So, how much vegetables should you actually be eating a day?
Here's a great tip from the Fruits & Veggies More Matters website:
Make It Simple: The Half-Your-Plate ConceptWhat does a serving of broccoli look like? How many baby carrots are in a cup? Even the most well-versed nutrition professionals don’t have all these measurements memorized! So let’s make it easier: fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal or eating occasion.
Seems like an easier system to implement. A half plate of vegetables alternately means less surface area for rice and meats, ultimately leading to less intake of the same. A healthier diet, yes?Making fruits and vegetables the focal point of every meal will help you meet your recommended amount each day—and you won’t have to do all the math!So … Keep It Simple: Fill half your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables at every meal!
Jan 31, 2011 - Just Released: Updated Dietary Guidelines. The government’s recommendations about what we should eat have been updated with a few key changes. Less sodium, added sugar and solid fat … and fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables.
Start this new week right with the the Half-Your-Plate concept, and share to us how it has helped (or not helped) you.